da big rumble clack snare bass drum tommy stryngz Crash Cymbal closed hihat open hihat bass thing tamborine spacesound bells brass thingie big h00vin' hall tom flooooote ripped sample. (duh) cool offsetting bass around 5 minutes or so. for the 'leet epinicion music disk. written with absolutely no inspiration but only for the fact that it needed to be done. not the way to go, i feel. but oh well. -=...... '94 .=- .. - epinicion - - and other affils too - greets - epeius and basehead for opinions that i wish i used but couldn't for some odd reason. puhleeze uze scream tracker 3.0x for listening to this toon .. you could use DMP or something, but then you would miss all the neet stuff i used in it, because you all KNOW about DMP . (: